Ae Rin
27 Minds
39 Friends
  1. Recommenders: Zahra other 1
         about food

    배고파요! 마리나라 바수타
    (photo by me)

    12 years ago  
    ElinYasGD  delicious
    12 years ago
    Zahra ohhh yummy
    12 years ago
  2.      about hungry
    So many pictures of food! 아~ 배고파요~~~
    12 years ago  
  3.      about pray
    Please pray for the Philippines! Many have lost not only their properties but the lives of their loved ones as well because of the super typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda. Wherever you are, you can help and donate at the Philippine Red Cross via paypal / paydollar / etc. here:
    Thank you very much!
    12 years ago  
    Zahra praying for you my dear & your country take care ♥
    12 years ago
    tinybeehermosa Which area dear? I have friends in cebu and taguig city.... wish they are safe right now...
    12 years ago
  4.      about robbed
    Our home got robbed! huhuhu bad guys
    12 years ago  
    ryan ah... take care.. u_u;;;
    12 years ago
    mayel_31  take care ;)
    12 years ago
  5.      about food

    나는 래두 컵케이크 를 좋아!

    12 years ago  
    goeileen_rys P.S.
    More photographs on:
    12 years ago
  6. Recommender: ryan
         about learning
    I can read and write hangul, but I only understand basic words~ I can't construct my own sentence...but thanks to Mr. Ryan's notes I'm learning (slowly). Now on Part 4!
    12 years ago  
    ryan How was my note?
    12 years ago
    goeileen_rys It's really helpful! Thank you very, very much. I also provided a notebook for notes so I can study and practice. 감사합니다!
    12 years ago
  7. Recommender: kwanning0606
         about throwback

    Gave hosting a try. when I still have long hair and skinny legs.

    12 years ago  
    goeileen_rys Kyaaa~ ani yo~ I'm 5'6" without heels, but there are others taller than me~~~ keke
    12 years ago
    kwanning0606 5'6" is tall ~~~I wish I were taller
    12 years ago
  8.      about YOLO

    "You only live once"

    12 years ago  
  9.      about 학생
    Will be back at the university in a few days! Few months until graduation. Huhu 학생!
    12 years ago  
    ryan Hi~
    12 years ago
    goeileen_rys 안녕하세요!
    12 years ago
  10.      about Learning
    Already in Part 4 of the notes by Ryan Lee. Waaaa. Aja!
    12 years ago  
    kwanning0606 whao~learning fast!! fighting!!!
    12 years ago
  11.      about new
    12 years ago  
    Mika_ist08 안녕하세요 ^^ 만나서 반가워요
    12 years ago
  12.      about book
    “I just want to break that song into pieces and love them all to death.”
    12 years ago  
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