Rey Rey
66 Minds
72 Friends
  1.      about morning
    Time to head out c-yah guys and goodmorning
    11 years ago  
     Byeiiiiiii! Laters...
    11 years ago
    CC tc
    11 years ago
  2.      about Sleep
    Peace Peace everyone thank you for welcoming me. I think it's time for me to rest up. Goodnight
    11 years ago  
    Sam Ttyl bud. Peace
    11 years ago
    dhyta Goodnight..
    11 years ago
  3. Recommender: samlad
         about School
    I really don't feel like looking at my chemistry notes anymore. I wanna burn it all!~
    11 years ago  
    11 years ago
    meem chemistry suck >_<
    11 years ago
  4. Recommender: fausome
         about Newbie
    Still trying to get around and learn more about this site xP
    11 years ago  
    Rey Rey Beginners luck lol literally a beginner
    11 years ago
    Sam Btw, lotso them sent you a guessing game...go get 'em.
    11 years ago
  5. Recommender: samlad
         about BTS
    Oh my goodness too good!! good video editing
    11 years ago  
    Ryan btw you can get a perfume from your flowers now
    11 years ago
    Rey Rey @meem Ikr! pretty amazing dance covers
    @Ryan thank you ahaha still getting used to it
    11 years ago
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