  1.      about Story
    Andrea don't like going out of her room. She hates stepping out of her house. She even buys her groceries during midnight at a 24/7 grocery store. She...
    Definitely need help +_+ ..
    the end of the line +_+
    10 years ago  
    Mariz lol
    10 years ago
    Ellyn HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA I will laugh again this is priceless
    9 years ago
  2.      about Story
    I'm starting to write on my journa but i forgot about
    10 years ago  
    Ninggg :X hahah that happens to me alot, starts doing sthm and suddenly forget about what I wanted to do
    10 years ago
  3. Recommender: eunhyoonique
         about Story
    One gloomy and rainy afternoon Monique suddenly felt the want for a walk. She lives in a very deserted area. She started walking at a wide highway. On her left an extensive body of water and on her right a long row of mountains. She was just walking and walking when suddenly...
    She saw a little dragon flying around ....
    by then a huge angry shark jumped up and the swallowed little dragon...
    Then the dragon blew off an angry breath while inside the shark's tummy and both of them blew up out of the water into thin air~~~
    10 years ago  
    Monique My peaceful and relaxing walk under the rain turned out to be a venturous and risky one. With huge angry shark and dragons with breath of fire..
    10 years ago
    Monique Someone initiate part 2
    10 years ago
  4.      about Story
    One rainy day, Arya is on her way to work when she saw her friend from 20 years ago who she never have met for the last 10 years. The last time they were together had not been a good memory.. When her friend saw her...
    she ran because she was scared Arya still remembers her name and still has a grudge on her. Tho now Arya is blind and ..
    so she fell down on the street and forgot why she was running, so her friend...
    Help uer stand up and hug her.
    10 years ago  
  5.      about story
    Last weekend I jumped on a giant trampoline
    I made a big hole there..
    But I fixed it with glu! and no body noticed xD
    suddenly the froggy prince saw the giant trampoline. He was so excited & jumped on it directly before the glu dried .. He made a bigger hole there :P ohhh that poor froggy it's his problem now XD
    10 years ago  
    Ellyn HAHAHAHA
    10 years ago
  6.      about story
    Ghouls devour humans..
    so humans kept running and hiding from them. Until a halfling emerged (half human, half ghoul) and lighted a torch of hope for humans who never had the chance to stand up and fight. He defended and protected the people from the flesh-eating beasts. Eventually, he grew even more powerful but...
    He was worried he'd turn into a ghoul with all the power he had obtained, so he bought a cat to keep in touch with his human half. But not long after he got his cat he found out...
    He fell from a high place. Once he opened his eyes, he found himself was in his bedroom and sat on the floor. he's just dreaming. His another bad nightmare. @@@
    10 years ago  
    Ellyn HAHA this one is deep
    10 years ago
  7.      about story
    walking in forest alone ...
    I bumped into something. Everything is dark so I can't really see what it is that I bumped into.
    with my direwolf as my sole companion, I hesitantly thread on to the deeper side thinking I can find what I was looking for..
    10 years ago  
    Ellyn ahh story
    10 years ago
  8.      about story
    First I was afraid I was petrified~
    keep thinking I could never live without you by side
    But then I spent so many nights Thinkin' how you did me wrong. And I grew strong
    And I learned how to get along! XD
    10 years ago  
    10 years ago
    Ellyn I will survive!
    9 years ago
  9.      about Story
    This is a story from wattpad. It is worth reading for. I feel bad for the protagonist.
    10 years ago  
  10.      about story
    once upon a time there lived a princess named........
    Tabitha! She's a pretty, kind and dainty princess...but...
    But Tabitha doesn't like to brush her teeth until one day all her teeth started hurting and then...
    She went to the dentist and they told her she had gum disease. ..
    10 years ago  
    Crystal (수정) I was going to end it on a happy note
    10 years ago
    9 years ago
  11.      about Story
    One day, Halene went to gather strawberries from the farm and found a huge pot of...
    chocolate strawberries and.........
    Bananas!!! Halene carried the pot on top of her tractor and brought it home, but on her way home...
    there's a strawberry monster waiting to take all their harvested starwberries. She drove the truck as good as the greatest driver. But the monster can always keep up.She ate a banana and threw the banana peel that made the strawberry monster slip and fall.At the end,Halene was able to go home safely
    10 years ago  
    Monique I hope, I gave it an ending that satisfies everyone.
    10 years ago
    Sam ✔ It's great!!
    10 years ago
  12.      about story
    lets make a story.
    10 years ago  
    Sam ✔ Do the story feature!
    10 years ago
    Hthree ok
    10 years ago
  13.      about story
    I went out to buy some ice cream, then I saw this one tall guy which is actually...
    a girl. I called her and said "Eunji-ya, do you remember me?". I will never forget what she said to me, it was so touching, she said "no". and then...
    She turned into a butterfly and started flying around me , then I realized....
    I was a butterfly too!
    10 years ago  
    Ellyn ahh my head
    10 years ago
  14.      about Story
    A tale of misunderstanding. Once upon a time, a small country bravely held on to it's independence in spite of being bullied by larger, wealthier countries. Then one day, an ambassador from one of the Super Powers was attacked by a random citizen of the small country who was angry at political policies that caused hardship to his people. Of course, the Super Power over reacted, and what they did next was ...
    eat and poop eat and poop because
    That's all they deserve ..
    And continues to eat poop eat poop eat poop.....
    10 years ago  
  15.      about Story
    I love Sungmin and the song also
    10 years ago  
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