  1. Recommenders: LouiseH other 1
         about wordoftheday
    하늘 (noun)
    하늘이 흐렸습니다.
    The sky is overcast.
    10 years ago  
  2. Recommenders: DoNichiArt other 1
         about Wordoftheday
    여기 (pronoun)
    here, this place
    여기는 정말 덥다.
    It's very hot in here.
    10 years ago  
  3.      about wordoftheday
    건강에 해로운 (adjective)
    흡연은 건강에 해로운 습관입니다.
    Smoking is an unhealthy habit.
    10 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrat! @CheshireCat1705
    10 years ago
  4. Recommender: ryan
         about wordoftheday
    발견하다 (verb)
    to uncover
    그들의 탐험으로 고대 유적을 발견했습니다.
    Their expedition uncovered ancient ruins.
    10 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrat! @CheshireCat1705
    10 years ago
  5.      about wordoftheday
    사자 (noun)
    제 여동생는 동물원에서 사자 보는 걸 좋아합니다.
    My sister enjoys the lions at the zoo.
    10 years ago  
    noor Thank you
    10 years ago
    Zahra  it's one of the first words I learned .. thanks for sharing
    10 years ago
  6. Recommender: Anwei
         about wordoftheday
    떠나다 (verb)
    to leave
    비행기가 10분 전에 떠났어요. 어떡하죠?
    The plane left ten minutes ago. What do we do?
    10 years ago  
    강젠나 Teleport!
    10 years ago
    산/Choi Soyeon :) Yeeees beam me up
    10 years ago
  7.      about wordoftheday
    끝 (noun)
    제발 이 의미없는 싸움에 끝을 내세요.
    Please put an end to this meaningless fight.
    10 years ago  
    noor Thank you
    10 years ago
    산/Choi Soyeon :) It's my pleasure
    10 years ago
  8. Recommenders: LouiseH other 2
         about wordoftheday
    결혼하다 (verb)
    to get married
    언제 결혼합니까?
    When are you getting married?
    10 years ago  
    강젠나  When I meet him... He still doesn't know I even exist.
    10 years ago
    Anwei Hahaha good answer girls
    10 years ago
  9. Recommenders: DoNichiArt other 1
         about wordoftheday
    빛 (noun)
    어두웠던 방에서 갑자기 빛이 나기 시작했다.
    Suddenly, there was light in the dark room.
    10 years ago  
    noor Thanks
    10 years ago
    산/Choi Soyeon :) 아니요 놀
    10 years ago
  10. Recommenders: DoNichiArt other 2
         about wordoftheday
    불길 (noun)
    그 불길은 비밀 메시지를 한순간에 없애버렸다.
    The flame destroyed the secret message in seconds.
    10 years ago  
    Ellyn haha well I can feel you happens whenever I remember Hanbin
    10 years ago
    산/Choi Soyeon :) Kkkk no wonder for such a young kid he's unusual adorable and manly
    10 years ago
  11.      about wordoftheday
    양동이 (noun)
    그 여자의 양동이는 신선한 과일들로 가득 차 있습니다.
    Her bucket was filled with fresh fruit.
    10 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Thanks for sharing!
    10 years ago
    산/Choi Soyeon :) My pleasure
    10 years ago
  12. Recommenders: samlad other 2
         about wordoftheday
    갈망 (noun)
    나이가 들면서 옛시절에 대한 향수와 갈망이 생깁니다.
    With age comes nostalgia and a longing for simpler times.
    10 years ago  
    산/Choi Soyeon :) That would be great Sammy
    10 years ago
    산/Choi Soyeon :) Kkkk there will be new gifs soon
    10 years ago
  13.      about wordoftheday
    가능한 빨리 (ex-pression)
    as soon as
    가능한 빨리 거기에 도착하겠습니다.
    I will be there as soon as I can.
    10 years ago  
  14. Recommender: ryan
         about wordoftheday
    씨 (noun)
    저는 늘 씨없는 수박을 삽니다.
    I always buy the kind of watermelon with no seeds.
    10 years ago  
    Ryan 저는 씨도 먹어요
    10 years ago
    산/Choi Soyeon :) 어떤 씨앗?
    10 years ago
  15.      about wordoftheday
    Good morning everyone. 오늘 비워요...
    10 years ago  
    산/Choi Soyeon :) hey Greig
    10 years ago
    연주 Hello Sun
    10 years ago
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