  1.      about learn
    To learn language needs lots of time and effort. Arrrr. Why did the Babylon fall down? ;p
    10 years ago  
    Ryan 화이팅!!
    10 years ago
  2.      about Learn
    How long does it take to forget? Learning a language seems to need constant refreshing
    10 years ago  
  3.      about Learn
    I need to learn about: should, would, could and must; I also need to learn about "hope"
    10 years ago  
    Kim Bo Ra Why hands come out instead of ~ haha story of my life
    10 years ago
    Smiles They are the hands of a god.
    10 years ago
  4.      about Learn
    To experienced language learners ... do you ever have a day where you just can't bear the idea of speaking your target language? I seem to be suffering from learning fatigue today.
    10 years ago  
    Julia AT = 2200 mile hiking trail from Georgia to Maine
    10 years ago
    Julia grumpy should leave the house today and just go somewhere ... you know, like a mall ... oh wait, they are threatening to send shooters to the malls in USA.
    10 years ago
  5.      about learn
    I'm tired of studying....why can't I just be a fast learner? I'm so slow with Japanese grammar ughh
    10 years ago  
    Blossom @Zahra It is confusing. Why can't it be as fun as speaking the language?
    10 years ago
    Zahra I know it's really confusing but grammar can be fun for us .. if only we were nerds
    10 years ago
  6.      about learn
    "한국말로 어떻게 말해야 되는지 몰라서 영어로 말씀 드릴게요"
    I don't know how to say it in Korean so I will say it in English.
    i think i use this a lot. but i dunno if it's right.. hehehe
    10 years ago  
  7.      about learn
    "내 눈을 보면서, 그 남자가 나에게 얘기했어요"
    this one is too much...
    10 years ago  
  8.      about learn
    "오늘도 그 남자 다시 만났다.. 빨간 셔츠입고 그 남자가 창 옆에 앉아습니다.. 그리고 그의 부드러운 눈이 날 바라보고 있었다 "
    hahaha i must be crazy for making something like this...
    10 years ago  
    g502 그 남자를, in this case, you should use '를' to show the word is an ob-jective, 셔츠를 입고, in this case, it is more natural to use '를'. 앉아 있었다. is like 'was sitting'. and it is natural to use informal ending 앉아 있었다. rather than 앉아 있었습니다. to keep the same formality as other sentences.
    10 years ago
    trangro 우와....ㅎㅎㅎ
    10 years ago
  9.      about learn
    "니가 나한테 어떻게 그럴 수 있니?" = how can you do this to me??
    use this phrases when you have a fight!!
    10 years ago  
  10.      about learn
    "미안해 할 것까지는 없어 " = there's nothing to be sorry about
    correct me.. i'm on my way to grow my flowers
    10 years ago  
  11.      about learn
    edited.. thanks to ryan oppa
    "됐거든" = "it's not your business"
    correct me if i did wrong~ i'm learning too..
    10 years ago  
    Ryan It's not your business
    10 years ago
    Melody Lee edited.. thanks opaa
    10 years ago
  12.      about Learn
    今日は / こんにちは Konnichiwa... The Kanji characters still confuse me a bit I think I will need more practice
    10 years ago  
    wataru Fighting !!! がんばって!!
    10 years ago
    Blossom  がんばりたい
    10 years ago
  13.      about learn
    do you remember me?
    10 years ago  
  14.      about Learn
    Following direction to the "T" on this site. Just added Ryan as a friend as instructed. LOL so fun.
    10 years ago  
  15.      about learn
    i have to learn how to use this again.. and the app! wow~!
    11 years ago  
    Ryan 그럴께요 : 그럴게요
    11 years ago
    정은 JN @@ oh! thanks!
    my dictionary is wrong!
    11 years ago
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