  1. Recommender: Zahra
         about concert

    3rd Anniversary of SS5 in Manila !! The memories are still fresh....
    i really wish they will be back next year for SS7. i'm already too sad that there's no SS6 here so they have to compensate for our loss... :'(

    8 years ago  
  2.      about Concert
    Facebook reminded me that the Marianas Trench concert is tomorrow. Like I would forget that Facebook I've been looking forward to that since May
    8 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrats! @ryan
    8 years ago
  3.      about Concert
    I'm so excited for tomorrow!!!
    8 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrats! @Emmli
    8 years ago
  4.      about concert
    Ikoncert in Kuala Lumpur DAEBAKKKK !! Can't move on .. Love you Hanbinnnnn . i wish i could turn back time
    9 years ago  
  5.      about concert
    so i've bought 2 concert tickets 2 weeks ago cuz they said they have discounts. i was truly happy to get it at a lower price but then when i opened my email now, they're making me pay an additional fee because of miscommunication with the prod.~ tsk.
    i really shouldn't believe this prod. because they give me headaches everytime they hold concerts that i like >__<
    9 years ago  
    Qing53 Those ppl are unbelievable
    9 years ago
  6.      about concert
    i hope i'll have a good seat from the bulk order though~ )
    9 years ago  
  7.      about concert
    i hope i can get a good seat for the Show Champion. I need the first row !
    blame my fear of heights for wanting a railings so that i have something to grab on (
    9 years ago  
  8. Recommenders: Zahra other 1
         about concert

    The concert venue after the gig and before the high five event.
    The stage is small but boys and few dancers still fit on it. (other bands haven't had dancers)

    9 years ago  
    9 years ago
    Qing53 Nice
    9 years ago
  9.      about Concert
    I never had a chance to attend a big concert. I wish I'd be able to soon.
    9 years ago  
    최야스권 hope i can get chance too monyas
    9 years ago
    Monique I swear to death, I should see me-tallica at least once before they retire.
    I don't care about anything else, but they are a must.
    9 years ago
  10.      about concert
    I bought the super expensive ticket to B.A.P's Finland's concert. So I'm going to see them, yay!
    9 years ago  
    NOOR They're not that popular in Finland?
    9 years ago
    judith wow hanna I'm so happy for you
    maybe it's not full because is their first concert there, .....
    9 years ago
  11. Recommender: ellyn
         about Concert
    One Ok Rock is coming back to Texas!!!
    9 years ago  
    연주 @blossom I didnt but my sis did. There will be another one in Feb which I may go
    9 years ago
    Blossom Oh I see You should go and have fun. I bet it will be so nice. I wonder who will be there
    9 years ago
  12.      about concert
    pt 2
    9 years ago  
  13.      about concert
    this is one the videos i wanted to upload
    9 years ago  
    Everiswhoiam sorry for the bad audio
    9 years ago
  14.      about concert
    Oh shoot, i said i would post some video of the concert didnt i? :O
    9 years ago  
  15.      about concert
    Im going to see their concert on sunday, i cant wait **
    9 years ago  
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