  1.      about MissMP
    I miss yooooooouuuuuuu, why we no longer talk, and see each other.. whhhyyyyyyy :'( :'(
    7 years ago  
    Oktawian 옥탑이안 Alaa I miss you here how are you?
    7 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Visit more often! I miss you too. Tell us how you're doing?
    7 years ago
  2.      about MissMP
    I miss yooooooouuuuuuu, why we no longer talk, and see each other.. whhhyyyyyyy :'( :'(
    7 years ago  
  3.      about missMP
    And I guess I'm left out with other friends here in learning korean language.
    7 years ago  
    최야스권 Welcome back sis ❤❤
    7 years ago
    7 years ago
  4.      about missMP
    I remembered the time I was so active here I nearly forgot that its bedtime already.
    7 years ago  
  5.      about missMP
    How are you guys? I think its been a year ago when I passed by here in MP.
    7 years ago  
  6.      about missMP
    Atm 1:59am. 22nd of March. Whaaa! Time flies so fast.
    7 years ago  
  7.      about missmp
    8 years ago  
    8 years ago
    Uphuin 핀 Hi mika, yasmine and hanna
    8 years ago
  8.      about MissMP
    하루종일 바쁜거야~
    8 years ago  
    Ryan 화이팅~~
    8 years ago
    NOOR Fighting!
    8 years ago
  9.      about missmp
    My connection was stuck,, and i didnt know it needed to restart
    8 years ago  
    Mika Aww bad connection
    btw emeralds~~ wow :D
    8 years ago
    Uphuin 핀 Yayy...congratzz
    8 years ago
  10.      about missMP
    I hope I can spend time longer here but so so busy with other things. I miss you all MP family.
    9 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Long time no see!
    9 years ago
    9 years ago
  11.      about MissMP
    When I haven't had my own Pocket Wifi, I am eager to surf the Internet. Almost everyday, I am online on most of my social accounts. But now I have it, I can't almost log in due to hectic schedules.
    10 years ago  
    CC (っ´▽`)っ Is San Diego far from Vancouver? Hehe.. That's good, bonding time again..
    10 years ago
    Sam ☺ San Diego, California
    10 years ago
  12.      about MissMP
    Freebies for you~
    10 years ago  
  13.      about MissMP
    Freebies for you~~
    10 years ago  
    강젠나 Thank you for the perfume.
    10 years ago
  14.      about missMP
    I wasn't able to be here yesterday night because my cousin and his husband had a skype talk using my mobile.
    11 years ago  
  15.      about missMP
    I missed all of you MP family.. Did someone missed ne too?
    11 years ago  
    Anna @CC: stay strong~~ *MPhug*
    11 years ago
    CC 지 은 I will dear.
    11 years ago
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