  1.      about Zzz
    졸려 Zzzz
    7 years ago  
    Ryan 굿모닝~
    7 years ago
    judith Fighting !!!
    7 years ago
  2.      about Zzz
    and good night y'all
    굿 나잇~~~
    7 years ago  
    wataru Good night ~~
    7 years ago
    Selenne (셀레네) good night
    7 years ago
  3.      about Zzz
    Good night friends i will send the perfume tomorrow~
    I have to sleep now see you
    잠잘 시간이야 굿나잇 여러분~ 내일은 핑크 향수를 꼭 보내줄거에요!
    7 years ago  
    Nancy Goodnight Mika
    7 years ago
    Uphuin 핀 Mikaaaaaa!!!!! sweet dreams
    7 years ago
  4.      about Zzz

    Good night MPals
    나도 이제 자야지, 다들 굿나잇~~

    7 years ago  
    Nancy goodnight Mika
    7 years ago
    ROWENA goodnight sis
    7 years ago
  5.      about Zzz
    it's my turn.. Good night friends
    굿 너잇!
    9 years ago  
    9 years ago
    최야스권 good night canim
    9 years ago
  6. Recommender: samlad
         about zzz
    9 years ago  
    Ryan good night~~
    9 years ago
    Eveline Me too..
    9 years ago
  7.      about Zzz

    I'm off to bed now i can't stay awake more so sleepy..
    Good night mp friends
    잠이 너무 왔어요 아침도 일찍 일어나서 넘 졸려요 지금. 또 봐요 ^^ 바이바이~~

    10 years ago  
    Jasmine Good night
    10 years ago
    NOOR Good night dear
    10 years ago
  8.      about Zzz
    시간이 넘 늣었어용 굿밤 엠피 친구들아~ 또 봅시당
    good nite Mpals see you!
    10 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrats! @Mika_ist08
    10 years ago
    Blossom Goodnight Mika
    10 years ago
  9.      about zzz
    I'm so tired... But I couldn't fall asleep either so I just try to keep my eyes open.
    10 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka The party was very small and calm. The bigger party was yesterday I guess when the school officially ended. There was good food and good company so I was pleased. The one we were celebrating seemed also feeling good. :D
    10 years ago
    noor Thats great it doesn't matter how small or big it was as long as you enjoyed it
    10 years ago
  10.      about Zzz
    잠이 와요,, 자는얼굴을 하고 싶은데 어떻게 할수 있는지 모르겠어요 까먹었어용
    10 years ago  
    Qing53 thanks sis maybe in 20 yrs if my lazy studying plan works well kkk
    10 years ago
    lila iyi geceler canim
    10 years ago
  11.      about Zzz
    좋은 밤! 지금 난 자야 하고 때문애 너무 안자요.
    Goodnight! Now, I must sleep, because I do not sleep a lot.
    10 years ago  
    Jasmine Are you really going to sleep? Anyway good night
    10 years ago
    Smiles I was kkk
    10 years ago
  12.      about zzz
    I want this damn bus to move NOW.
    10 years ago  
    Lord Congrat! @DoNichiArt
    10 years ago
  13.      about Zzz
    10 years ago  
    Sam 박셔린~♥ Goodnight Wataru San
    10 years ago
    Zahra we all greedy kkk
    10 years ago
  14.      about zzz
    better close my eyes again >_<
    10 years ago  
    Alaa Gnite beautiful ♥♥
    10 years ago
    noor Sweet dreams
    10 years ago
  15.      about zzz
    peek in MP before closing my eyes....too tired~
    night night zzzz
    10 years ago  
    Selenne Sleep well!!, Sweet dreams!!!
    10 years ago
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