  1.      about work
    I got a new commission! This time I'll design a logo.
    6 years ago  
    Ryan 화이팅!!
    6 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Thanks!
    6 years ago
  2. Recommender: KittyVanCat
         about Work

    I share this here too. I designed those labels.
    Those drinks are sparkling limonades. They're based on birch sap but they all taste different. One is mint flavored, one is blackcurrant leaf and the third one is spruce shoot. Very tasty!

    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  3.      about work
    Bookkeeping is annoying! Especially when your Excel forgets to count numbers in...
    6 years ago  
    Ryan good morning~
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  4.      about Work
    Eek, bottle labels are on bottles now!
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka @Sel Thank you!
    @Rina They just changed the printing methods so it's fine.
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  5.      about work
    Switching between Libreoffice Impress and MS Powerpoint is... ARGH!
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    최야스권 Fighting twinnie ❤
    6 years ago
  6.      about work
    I got a call for offer. 15-20 illustrations for a booklet about certain project. Gotta think about that for a while since last time I got a similar message they didn't choose me. I gotta make a better offer this time.
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Thanks!
    6 years ago
  7.      about work
    I feel a bit stressed. The print has problems to understand what I want to be done for the labels. Geez... I never did me-tallic color print before but if you don't know what to do then what I'm a supposed to do??
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) hope you figure it out and it will turn out the way you wanted it
    6 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Thanks, I hope so too.
    6 years ago
  8.      about work
    And the bottle labels are done! Omg, how exciting!
    They'll be in shops in the summer. Eek!
    I pray that the labels look good after print...
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) nice :D can't wait to see them
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  9.      about Work
    The company I'm designing labels at the moment appeared in German TV:

    I just wish they shared the info somewhere else because Instagram doesn't let links to work...
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Hahah! I think they're pretty much the same everywhere. I didn't understand what they said (didn't hear Finnish under the German) but it looked nice.
    6 years ago
    양 리나 (Rina) yeah i feel like reporters HAVE to talk boring.. i hate this "talking over" it's really annoying because my brain tries to hear the background voices then too..
    6 years ago
  10.      about Work

    I put them in order: gold, silver, brass.
    Brass is finished but those two other ones I must retouch a bit.

    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Thank you!
    6 years ago
  11.      about work
    I'm working on the labels today. I'm trying to figure out the colors for the last label...
    6 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrats! @sakuraboice
    6 years ago
  12.      about work
    When your client sees "grey lines" around pictures and you're like "wheeeere..??"
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
  13.      about work
    Coffee break! I managed to fix the bottle label #2 so it's about time.
    (Actually I've been super lazy otherwise... )
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) enjoy the coffee.. i need to start cooking soon.. or better said..preparing
    6 years ago
  14.      about work
    The children's book is getting ready and the author said she'd submit it to the publisher tomorrow. I'm both excited and panicky because I want to be sure that I've checked the book many times enough for mistakes...
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka I think I will get into that set of mind once we're on Thursday... The author is super precise so I try to keep up with her until then.
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  15.      about Work

    Here's how the first label looks like. Now I'm working on the second one.

    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) uuuuh fancy
    6 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Yeah.
    6 years ago
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