  1.      about supernatural

    Funny, s*xy, hansome, strong ..

    8 years ago  
    aylin çayğaracı  dimi dimi
    8 years ago
    Maya 화연  I love these guys
    8 years ago
  2.      about supernatural
    So I guess I need to start watching season 5!
    10 years ago  
  3.      about supernatural
    What the even heck like Miranda says!!!!
    How can a whole season end like this .. it ended when lucifer was about to come out !!
    10 years ago  
    meem  ok so first Miranda is a youtuber and she is super hilarious and she always say what the even heck ..
    And I was watching supernatural and the last episode ended on lucifer's grand entering .. but now I don't know if my boys are safe or not
    Yes I'm exasperating a little
    10 years ago
    noor Hahaha go watch the next season , if there's one ,, and thank you for explaining
    10 years ago
  4.      about Supernatural
    Watching Supernatural Long time~~
    11 years ago  
    Ryan owah.. I wanna watch it too~
    11 years ago
    Nazgul It's passing on tv~
    11 years ago
  5.      about Supernatural
    오늘 이스탄불에서 회오리바람도 있었어요 모든것이 날아갔어요
    11 years ago  
    lila ㅇㅇ 걱정 하지마세요~ 우리 둘이 화이팅!
    11 years ago
    Mika_h8 응응 화이팅~~
    11 years ago
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