  1.      about Sleepy
    i had a bad night
    4 years ago  
    Selenne (셀레네) I had insomnia and when finally could sleep, i woke up several times
    4 years ago
    Monique Sorry to hear insomnia is still bothering you..
    4 years ago
  2.      about Sleepy
    Can 7 take a nap
    5 years ago  
  3.      about Sleepy

    What a life!!! I wanna sleep like him

    5 years ago  
    5 years ago
    siham Aiigo me too
    5 years ago
  4.      about sleepy
    Just tired~~
    6 years ago  
  5.      about sleepy
    Good night MP
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) 잘 자~~
    6 years ago
    Mika Good night
    6 years ago
  6.      about Sleepy
    7 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) good night
    7 years ago
    judith 긋나잇
    7 years ago
  7.      about Sleepy
    7 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) good night
    7 years ago
  8.      about Sleepy
    초간단 마늘빵을 만들어 먹었다
    I made and ate a very simple garlic bread.
    7 years ago  
  9.      about Sleepy
    Good night!!
    7 years ago  
    7 years ago
    Ryan 굿나잇~
    7 years ago
  10.      about Sleepy
    Good night
    7 years ago  
    최야스권 good night dear
    7 years ago
    Ryan 굿나잇요~
    7 years ago
  11.      about Sleepy
    7 years ago  
    jiji 굿모닝~ i think most people here are sleeping lool
    7 years ago
    7 years ago
  12.      about sleepy
    I can't sleep beside my mom. This is a weekday, so many security here
    7 years ago  
     are your mom fine??
    7 years ago
    7 years ago
  13.      about sleepy
    Already at hospital again
    7 years ago  
    Uphuin 핀 Yes..i am okay, i just need support
    7 years ago
    siham fighting sis !!!!
    7 years ago
  14.      about Sleepy
    Aww I still need to work but I'm sooooo tired
    7 years ago  
    Nazgul @Wataru yeahhh a looot of coffee
    7 years ago
    wataru Fighting ~~
    7 years ago
  15.      about Sleepy
    7 years ago  
    Nicole Take some nap~~
    7 years ago
    Sammy Me too
    7 years ago
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