  1.      about lol
    Hellooo! I have a name day today. All 'Riikka' named people celebrate today.
    5 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka I was wondering if many countries do it.
    5 years ago
    양 리나 (Rina) Happy Riikka day then
    5 years ago
  2.      about lol
    I cursed to the mail man today because he drove past fast and didn't bring me JJ's album. It's not his fault but I was so disappointed again.
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) oh maaaaaan..
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  3.      about lol
    It's crazy to think my niece is turning already 6... She was just born! How did this happen??
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Oh yeah...
    6 years ago
    Lord Congrats! @ryan
    6 years ago
  4.      about Lol
    Actually Ivm not sure if I should laugh at the message or at the fact that he asked ME. I'm such an expert with relationships anyway...
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
  5.      about lol
    A single glance told me that I have enough watercolors...
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    Lord Congrats! @DoNichiArt
    6 years ago
  6.      about lol
    I've watched LOTS of dramas though... Something good about that art-block!
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka ㅋㅋㅋ It's like my bookmarks then...
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  7.      about lol
    I have never thought how big 1 millimeter can be. I asked about foil printing from a label print and they said lines should be at least 0,2mm thick. Suddenly 1mm seemed wide...
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  8.      about lol
    My summer flower seeds are here! With that "snow storm" outside it seems a bit odd, though...
    6 years ago  
    Ryan It's too hot today..
    6 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka @Oppa Send us some plus Celsius degrees, please.
    6 years ago
  9.      about lol
    Two weeks ago I was hooked on a drama called 'Younger'. Now I'm watching 'Glee' again. Thanks to a friend who gave me 2 months try-out on Viaplay.
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
  10.      about lol

    If you go to this tweet and take a screenshot, who do you get? I got this one.

    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina)  let's see..
    6 years ago
  11.      about lol
    This kind of tattoo is kinda neat:
    Would suit for someone like me who hates needles.
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) i'm way too broke to get it any time soon.. i'll share it later..i'm surrounded by....dragons at the moment..
    6 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Oh! Hahah!
    6 years ago
  12.      about lol
    When you have the 'Told you so!' moment. So pleasing!
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) oh yeah ~~~~
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  13.      about LOL
    It's almost a midnight here, what am I doing :D Who else is there anyways?
    6 years ago  
  14.      about lol
    Why it's good to tick 'price: lowest to highest' first -> you won't fall for a product that costs way too much. In my case it was a 1200€ laptop. The price tag made me fall back to reality, though.
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
  15.      about Lol
    I survived! The doctor was children's doctor and she was super nice. I have a Moomin bandaid on my arm.
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
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