7683 Minds
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  1. Recommenders: hi_yima other 4
         about Perfume

    We can get perfume here when your flowers have bloomed!

    10 years ago  
    riza kamsahamnida oppa!
    10 years ago
    Eveline Ah thank you!
    10 years ago
  2. Recommenders: LouiseH other 3
         about Perfume

    A rule to get better perfumes from your flowers!
    1. Enough pink perfumes give the chance to get green perfumes from flowers
    2. Enough pink & green perfumes give the chance to get emerald perfumes from flowers
    3. Enough pink, green & emerald perfumes give the chance to get blue perfumes from flowers
    4. Enough pink, green, emerald & blue perfumes give the chance to get black perfumes from flowers
    5. Enough pink, green, emerald, blue & black perfumes give the chance to get purple perfumes from flowers

    11 years ago  
    한나 maybe I don't have enough pink, green, emerald blue and black yet no purpleee
    11 years ago
    Malu-Lee ~My pyramid~~!~~~~~~
    ~~~~~impossible~!~~~Blue, black~~!~~~~~
    11 years ago
  3.      about Perfume
    Don't forget to make perfume!
    12 years ago  
    ElisaPaola Oh! You bet I won´t! 향수 제국을 세우고 있어요!!! lol
    12 years ago
  4.      about Perfume
    How can make highest perfume!
    If you have enough pink to make green, you can make one of them,
    If you have enough pink and green to make emerald, you can make one of them.
    if you have enough pink and green and emerald to make blue, you can make one of them....
    12 years ago  
    ryan Even I forgot it already! D
    12 years ago
    eunhyoonique kkkk, now that's weird. kkkk. you made me laugh oppa!
    12 years ago
  5. Recommenders: samlad other 4
         about Perfume
    향수 만들 시간이에요 (Korean)
    It's time to make perfume
    HyangSu ManDeul SiGan-i-EYo
    13 years ago  
  6. Recommenders: FadedStar22 other 1
         about Perfume

    New perfumes here!

    13 years ago  
    ryan 못보신 분들은 새로 바뀐 향수들을 확인하세요! Refresh your web-browser in shelves
    13 years ago
    Kim_Loula Good!^^
    13 years ago
  7.      about Perfume
    Who need more perfumes?
    14 years ago  
  8. Recommenders: raymundus other 2
         about perfume
    Hey buddies! If you give your perfume to your friends, your plant will grow faster! 향수를 선물하면 이제 꽃이 빨리 자라요!!
    14 years ago  
    ryan @DCat 그래도 주면 두배로 받게 되지 않을까?
    14 years ago
    ryan 자자 더 여러명이 봐야;;;
    14 years ago
  9.      about perfume
    흠.. 향수를 선물하면 꽃이 대박 자라게 해볼까? -_ -;;;
    14 years ago  
    ryan 아하하.. ;;; 더하기였군용.. ;; 움.. 어떤 향수를 선물하느냐에 따라서 기여도가 달라야 할 것 같아서 자라는 정도만 좀 조절할까 생각중이에요..... 젤 비싼 거면 뭐 거의 바로 만들 수 있게??
    14 years ago
    ryan ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 향수 선물 하세요!! :D
    14 years ago
  10.      about perfume
    ㅍㅎㅎㅎㅎ 그린향수 득템! lol
    14 years ago  
  11. Recommender: kaz
         about perfume

    Grow your flower and Collect your perfumes! :D
    Flowers eat your minds to live!

    14 years ago  
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