  1. Recommender: ryan
         about Dogs
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    Ryan ㅋㅋㅋ
    6 years ago
  2. Recommenders: Mika_ist08 other 1
         about Dogs

    Ama met a dentist today. Poor thing is still knocked out. She peed on my pants too. But she wants to be in someone's arms... ^^;

    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) oh ok yeah, that might be it then, i least she's fine now
    6 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Yeah. I was ready to call the vet but luckily I didn't have to.
    6 years ago
  3.      about Dogs

    "Long time no see, MP!"
    It's about 18°C. All the snow is gone, just some ice is left in shaded areas.

    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) Hello girls
    6 years ago
    Ryan Hello~~
    6 years ago
  4.      about Dogs
    I came home and got a funny greeting from dogs. Ama was excited all the way but Iita greeted me first, then she ignored me and then started to follow me non-stop.
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Exactly!
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  5. Recommender: ryan
         about Dogs

    Amanda joined Iita to see the kids.

    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
  6.      about Dogs

    We went for a walk and Iita heard kids screaming for joy. She had to see what was going on. (Kids were sliding down the hill with a tarp)

    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) ㅎㅎㅎ
    6 years ago
  7. Recommender: KittyVanCat
         about Dogs

    The weather is !

    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Unfortunately not. They try to destroy it by eating it, though.
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  8.      about Dogs
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) and biiiiiiig eyes
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  9.      about Dogs
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
  10. Recommender: ryan
         about Dogs
    I promises Amanda that I'd show you how mean Iita really is.
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka I'm not sure about dogs. Usually when they attack they bite neck but I think it's different when they play. x)
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  11.      about Dogs

    They don't mind about the weather.

    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka It is broken but Ama won't accept the new one...
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  12.      about Dogs
    It's great to see when a dog learns something new. The joy is obviously mutual!
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
  13.      about dogs
    I have a sleepy little puppy next to me.
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka She's our doctor dog.
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  14. Recommenders: ryan other 1
         about Dogs

    Dogs loved it too because they could run free.

    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
  15.      about Dogs

    Look, those postcards arrived and they look pretty great!

    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    NOOR Omg! Is there anything cuter than this
    6 years ago
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