  1.      about art
    Hanna, i just had two ideas for an art challange (?)..
    idk, if those excist so..
    1. Art Bingo
    Followers can give you keywords and they get put on a bingo kinda board.
    If you make the board, followers choose a no. and letter..if someone else make it (so you don't know what will come, you choose No. and letter..
    2. Photo Art Hybrid
    Followers/Friends take pics of random things (an empty/full fridge, a lake, a tree ect)
    and you draw digitally figurines to it. (f.e. a pixy tries to get through the full fridge )
    Random things, i know..they popped into my mind while i was washing dishes..
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Hahah! I think he used Fiver to hire that person...
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  2.      about art
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka I wonder if I could teach..? I'm sure someone has made a tutorial on YouTube??
    6 years ago
    양 리나 (Rina) yeah..probably.. but idk..
    6 years ago
  3.      about art

    He he made for golf fans

    7 years ago  
    양 마리 he makes such gorgeous pieces
    7 years ago
    ROWENA nice!
    7 years ago
  4.      about Art

    Let’s try again!!

    7 years ago  
    Hilde Thats really cool!
    7 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Cool!
    7 years ago
  5. Recommenders: Nancy001 other 1
         about Art
    7 years ago  
    Ryan 거기에 다른 것도 있어요? Is there something different there?
    7 years ago
    Hilde Yes, there is a small beach and museum. Its in the end of the harbor, lots of restaurants an shops. I poster one more picture from there right before this one
    7 years ago
  6. Recommender: ElinYasGD
         about art
    The clown is still not scary..but DAMN..that talent though..
    7 years ago  
    양 마리 i hate clowns in general.. they're not funny, just disturbing..
    7 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka True!
    7 years ago
  7.      about art
    wow i love chess and have a glass set here..but THIS??? beautiful
    7 years ago  
  8.      about art
    8 years ago  
  9. Recommenders: ryan other 1
         about art

    Right handed wannabe art..'s a background for some 3D-Art. Let's see how it goes..

    8 years ago  
    Ryan This is an art!!!
    8 years ago
    양 마리 ha ha thank you
    8 years ago
  10.      about art
    I want a cat sculpture like this _
    8 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka That is impressive indeed! One could keep looking at the art piece for ages.
    8 years ago
    양 마리 yeah
    8 years ago
  11.      about art
    I might have cried a little in the end.
    8 years ago  
    양 마리 i'll watch it later
    8 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Yup, as you wish. :D
    8 years ago
  12. Recommender: Mika_ist08
         about art
    wow...just..WOW _
    8 years ago  
    양 마리 huh?
    8 years ago
    Mika @Qing53 i can see sis
    8 years ago
  13.      about art
    8 years ago  
    최야스권 this one is beautiful love it
    8 years ago
    양 마리 yeah
    8 years ago
  14.      about art
    i want i piece like that
    8 years ago  
  15.      about art
    8 years ago  
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